Yes, this actually happened. How would you like to be Brian Johnson, the one assigned to this detail? There is so much that is unfathomably fantastic about this actual news story from the Crichton area of Mobile, Alabama – from the hype man at the :28 mark, to the amateur sketch at :43, to the interview at 1:00, to Johnson’s interaction with a man who “just came to help out,” identified only as “this guy” at the 1:07 mark. In a story filled with brilliance, I think that’s my favorite part – “this guy.” What a fantastic piece of passive-aggressive objection from the reporter. Dude is so done with having to cover this garbage, that he didn’t even bother to get “this guy’s” name.
Then again, who am I…who are WE as a collective people to judge? I’ve never been to the Crichton area of Mobile, Alabama. It’s entirely possible that this little spot on the world map is a hotbed for leprechaun activity or, at the very least (according to that one eye-witness), possible crackhead activity. I don’t know about the latter. I mean, I guess it could be – she seemed pretty convincing – but that amateur sketch is pretty solid. I’m leaning leprechaun. I guess both things could be true. There is really only one thing about which I am nearly certain, nearly: the man described affectionally as “this guy” has been misled by his family. That is not a leprechaun flute.
[YouTube: NBC15]