Hold on to your underpants!
I am a straight-up roller coaster junkie. The faster the better. Who doesn’t want to travel in an open box car at insane speeds with a real possibility of dying horribly?! There’s no better thrill!
So the news that Six Flags is building the world’s next tallest, fastest, and longest roller coaster that speeds at 156 miles per hour really got me excited. The only problem is I’ll probably never get to ride it because it’s being built in Saudi Arabia. WTF Six Flags?!
I know it’s just a computer-generated simulation but that looks pretty sick.
Good thing it doesn’t rain much in Saudi Arabia. Have you ever been pelted with raindrops on a roller coaster before? It feels like getting tore up from the floor up with a BB gun even at speeds of 90 MPH, at 156mph, that’s gonna leave a mark.