Top 5
This Monday and Friday feature has Reed and Eddie going through random top 5 lists. It could be anything from pizza toppings to video games to the best place to have a beer.
Normal or Nope
In this Thursday feature, Reed and Eddie explore the behaviors, habits, and opinions that seem normal to some, but bizarre to others.
Dream Theater
We’ve all had weird dreams but Reed has a special brain full of wondrous adventures. In Dream Theater, Eddie takes on the role of amateur dream analyst, and together, Reed and Eddie dive into the meanings (or lack thereof) behind Reed’s subconscious.
True Detective
Reed and Eddie take turns confessing a random fact and then interrogate each other to determine who is telling the truth and who is telling a lie.
Dumb Criminal of the Day
If you ever think “No one’s THAT dumb”, there’s a good chance someone is. Reed and Eddie highlight the bizarre, hilarious, and often unbelievable antics of criminals who clearly didn’t think their schemes through.
Would You Rather…
Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? This is the kind of brain teaser Reed and Eddie discuss in this hilarious feature.
Cap or No Cap
This is basically a game of ‘True or False’ but Reed and Eddie decided to make it more confusing while simultaneously trying to connect to Gen Z. They’re failing.
Rapid Fire
Reed asks three rounds of questions, which Eddie and his challenger have only seconds to answer. If you would like to play Rapid Fire, fill out the contest form below.
Finish the Lyrics
This is one of Reed’s favorite games. Mainly cause Eddie is really bad at it. Reed plays a snippet of a song, pauses it, and waits for Eddie to sing the next line.
Price Is Right
The classic TV Show game we all know and love except Reed and Eddie are playing. And nine times out of 10, Eddie bets $1 at the wrong time.
Florida Headlines
If it’s weird or unbelievable, it most likely happened in Florida. Reed and Eddie discuss the Sunshine State’s most peculiar and offbeat news stories.
One-Word Movie Game
Reed and Eddie describe a movie using just one word and then have to guess the movie. They get three tries though so technically this game should be called “The One Word Three Word Movie Game.”
Sorry I’m Late…
Reed and Eddie give reasons as to why they’re late to work using only movie plots. And yes… they’re late that often.
Wanna play one of these games with Reed and Eddie for the chance to win prizes?!
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